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Virtual CardioRenal Winter School: Impression of an ESR

1st -3rd February


Between 1st -3rd February we had the opportunity to join the last virtual Cardiorenal Winter School, which was a joint event of 5 different consortia, including the German “SFB/TRR219”, the Interreg V-A Euregio Meuse-Rhine “EURLIPIDS” and the EU-ITNs “INTRICARE”,“CaReSyAn” and “Strategy-CKD”.

These Winter Schools are always a great opportunity to get in contact with different research groups around Europe and to get to know in more detail their research. This time, due to the COVID-19 pandemie, the Winter School was hold online, but this was not an obstacle to share a lot of different topics, get some positive feedback from colleagues and of course learn from the last approaches to fight Cardiorenal Syndrome.

The only thing that we missed was the Networking between the participants. Under “normal circunstances” we had small-talks during the breaks of the sessions and the poster presentations. It was the perfect chance to get closer to other researchers that could lead to further collaborations. For the Caresyan ESRs this was always one of the best parts, since most of us are different in different countries we don’t meet so often, but after a couple of Caresyan Meetings and other Winter and Summer- Schools in the past, now we are in closer contact, so this time we had online-networking where we actively commented


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 764474.

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