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Rogier Veltrop supervised by Dr. Noels and Prof Schurgers won the 2021 CytoSMART Research Grant

March 2021


Rogier Veltrop (Biochemistry UM) supervised by Dr. Noels (UKA) and Prof Schurgers (UM) won the 2021 CytoSMART Research Grant.

With his research, Veltrop aims to expand his work in live cell imaging. He won the Cytosmart FL3 which is a small fluorescence live-cell imaging microscope equipped with a brightfield and two fluorescent channels. This device enables Veltrop to unravel cellular processes in real-time, providing lots of valuable data about the experiments and answers if, when, how, and to what extend the cellular processes occur. Furthermore it can track dynamic cellular processes with high specificity by taking high-quality images to create real-time time-lapse movies. Simultaneously, the cells are kept in a controlled environment inside a standard cell culture incubator.


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 764474.

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