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Impression of ESR Ana Amaya on the cardiorenal winter school 2020

CaReSyAn Cardiorenal Winter School as joint initiative with ITN INTRICARE and the German SFB/TRR219 consortium – February 2020


This year´s graduate school was held in February 2020 in the conference hotel in Seeheim-Jugenheim (Germany) under the topic of “Functional analysis of kidney-heart crosstalk” with the joint participation of the Marie-Curie ITNs CaReSyAn and INTRICARE and the German SFB TRR 219 IRTG. With 15 postdoctoral researchers and 44 PhD/MD candidates it was a well-attended and highly productive event. Our doctoral students once again proved the importance of research-driven knowledge. In competitive poster presentations and "Rapid fire presentation" they gave a well-founded overview of their projects, their goals and previous results. Both presentations and posters reflected the high scientific quality of the work and made the jury's decision difficult. Our photo shows the two winners of the poster award and the two winners of the "Rapid fire presentation". ESR student Ana Amaya of our ITN CaReSyAn was winner of the "Rapid fire presentation". Congratulations Ana!


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 764474.

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