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CaReSyAn Kick-off meeting, Agenda, March 22, 2018, Montpellier, France

Updated: Dec 16, 2018

Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN CaReSyAn

Kick-Off Meeting




105 Place Georges Frêche (rue du Chelia)


Wednesday, 21 March 2018

18:30 Arrival

19:00 Welcome & Networking Dinner

Thursday, 22 March 2018


09:00 Prof. Joachim Jankowski (UKA) & Dr. Heidi Noels (UKA)

CaReSyAn kicks off: Combatting the cardiorenal syndrome using an integrative analysis approach

09:10 Prof. Joachim Jankowski & Dr. Heidi Noels

EU regulations: CaReSyAn delivers (Concrete actions in year 1)


09:30 Prof. Joachim Jankowski (UKA)

ESR1: Plasma peptidomics for the identification of CRS biomarkers

09:40 Prof. Antonia Vlahou (BRFAA)

ESR2: Plasma and tissue proteomics for the identification of CRS biomarkers

09:50 Prof. Harald Mischak (MOS)

ESR3: Urine peptidomics for the identification of CRS biomarkers

10:00 Prof. Georg Heinze (MUW)

ESR4: CRS network models to assess the value of biomarker candidates in diagnostic and

predictive signatures of CRS

10:10 Prof. Angel Argiles (RDN)

ESR5: Strategies to interfere with pathological mechanisms of CRS

10:20 Dr. Julie Klein & Prof. Joost Schanstra (INSERM)

ESR6: The role of identified biomarker candidates in CRS pathology

10:30 Prof. Leon Schurgers (CARIM)

ESR7: Effect of uremia on vascular calcification and CRS pathology

10:40 Prof. Jürgen Floege (UKA)

ESR8: Vascular calcification in CRS

10:50 Prof. Erik Biessen (CARIM)

ESR9: Post-translational modifications of calcification regulators in CRS

11:00 Prof. Peter Stenvinkel (KI)

ESR10: Premature vascular aging in CRS patients

11:10 Dr. Heidi Noels (UKA)

ESR11: Effect of uremia on cardiac pathology

ITN Networking in Europe

11:20 Prof. Leon Schurgers (CARIM)

Creating synergy: CaReSyAn meets INTRICARE

11:35 Prof. Antonia Vlahou (BRFAA)

Learning from doing: iMODE-CKD as good practice example


11:50 Prof. Joachim Jankowski & Dr. Heidi Noels

Marie-Curie ITNs: it is all about training (Concrete network-wide activities in year 1)

12:10 Prof. Joachim Jankowski & Dr. Heidi Noels

Dissemination & Outreach (Concrete actions in year 1)

12:30 Questions, Partner discussions & Feedback

13:00 Lunch & Networking

14:15 Visit of Prof. Dr. Muriel Masi (Aix-Marseille Université) to the premises of RD – Néphrologie

Prof. J. Jankowski, Prof. A. Argiles, Dr. Noels, D. Togia

Addresses: 1. premises of RD - Néphrologie (2, rue des Mûriers, 34090 Montpellier)

2. premises used by RD – Néphrologie at the University of Montpellier


© 2018 CaReSyAn

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 764474.

The content of this website reflects only the views of its authors.

The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains

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