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CaReSyAn ESRs team up with ESRs from Strategy-CKD



MSCA-ITNs CaReSyAn and Strategy-CKD joining forces

Where one Doctoral Network is finishing up, a novel Doctoral Network will start.

The early stage researchers of the recently granted MSCA-ITN Strategy-CKD were already included in the weekly online seminars of CaReSyAn (CardioRenal Syndrome Analysis) in order to gain excisting knowledge on chronic kidney disease (CKD). In these seminar series young researchers, within their PhD trajectories, are able to present their latest results. To practice their presentation skills, but more importantly, to discuss potential research directions within their own field with experts all across Europe. The CaReSyAn consortium investigated the pathophysiology of the heart-kidney interaction, while Strategy-CKD unravels the gut-kidney axis in CKD. Hence, there is much knowledge to be shared! In order to create a smooth transition, the PhD representatives of both programmes initiated an afternoon with online sessions where the researcher could meet, share knowledge and ask questions about the rules and regulations of MSCA Doctoral Networks. Lots of tips & tricks, personal experiences and fun facts were exchanged during these sessions. Both consortia acknowledged the fact that these transitions are very beneficial in order to give this new consortium a head start. Heartfelt goodluck wishes and after exchanged email addresses, a very useful session was closed. Fairwell to the successful consortium of CaReSyAn, and best of luck to the promising Strategy-CKD consortium,

yours sincerely,

Rogier Veltrop, PhD Representative CaReSyAn


© 2018 CaReSyAn

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 764474.

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