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Cardiorenal Winter School

Cardiorenal Winter School of the graduate schools SFB TRR 219 IRTG and Marie-Curie ITNs CaReSyAn and INTRICARE, Cardiorenal Retreat and Annual Meeting of SFB TRR 219.

February 5-7, 2020

Last week I had the opportunity to present at the CaReSyAn annual meeting and Cardiorenal Winter School of the graduate schools SFB TRR219 IRTG & Marie-Curie ITNs CaReSyAn and INTRICARE in Frankfurt.

It was held in the conference hotel in Seeheim-Jugenheim under the topic of “Functional analysis of kidney-heart crosstalk” with the joint participation of the SFB TRR 219 IRTG and the Marie-Curie ITNs INTRICARE. With 15 postdoctoral researchers and 44 PhD/MD candidates it was a well-attended and highly productive event.

In the poster session we could learn from different subjects, close or not to those which we work with, but all of them very inspiring. The day after, some of us were challenged to present our work, this time only in a 5-minute talk. It was a great experience and I was luckily awarded with the prize for best scientific poster presentation, which I would like to share with my supervisors in Toulouse Julie Klein and Joost Schanstra, for all their support.

But most importantly, we had the chance to listen to very interesting topics about cardiovascular research; from direct colleagues or invited experts. In addition, it was extremely enriching to share together with the others CaReSyAn early stage researchers our daily life at the lab and the advances we had achieved, all this in an open discussion with our PIs. We could also welcome our two new ESR: Jeppe and Irene!

The fact of being in contact with other studies besides CaReSyAn provided us a lot of ideas and input for our future experiments. However, three days of constant knowledge exchange were exhausting! But this didn’t stop us from enjoying our time together with a drink or bowling!

Thank you again for this wonderful reward that encouraged me even more to continue working. Together we will combat the cardiovascular burden of chronic kidney disease!


© 2018 CaReSyAn

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 764474.

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