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3rd CaReSyAn Annual Meeting: Impression of an ESR

"The CaReSyAn Annual Meeting took place on 4th March 2021 over Zoom due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite the frustration of not being able to meet in person, the meeting was incredibly productive, with engaging discussions and valuable feedback given to ESRs from both fellow researchers and their respective PIs. In a similar format to the previous two annual meetings, ESRs were given the opportunity to present data before opening up the discussion to CaReSyAn representatives. Since many CAReSyAn ESRs will defend their theses this summer, this was the last opportunity for ESRs to share their data to consortium members. In addition, since a mixture of clinicians, basic scientists and statisticians were present, alternative perspectives and views were shared making the online meeting a success. The final meeting will be held in Toulouse later this year should the global pandemic allow. Let’s hope that by then we will have proceeded far enough with the vaccine rollout so we can meet in person one final time!"


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 764474.

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