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Lab taster day: Molecular biological research in Medicine, March 20, 2019, University Clinic Aachen
On the 20th of March 2019, a trial day for young students interested in doing research took once again place at the Institute for...
Three-minute Thesis, March 21, 2019. Karolinska Institutet
Οur CaReSyAn Phd student Sam Hobson won a prestigious 3-min thesis presentation contest at Karolinska Institutet in competition with many...
New YouTube and PodBean channels
Now it is possible to follow the latest videos and talks from the CaReSyAn consortium on YouTube and PodBean (links below). Have a look...
CaReSyAn Complementary skills training course (CS2)
March 1, 2019, University Clinic of Aachen, Germany CaReSyAn Complementary skills training course (CS2) Spiegelsaal, University Clinic...
CaReSyAn Mid-Term meeting Agenda, March 1, 2019, University Clinic of Aachen, Germany
Combatting the Cardio Renal Syndrome: towards an integrative Analysis to reduce cardiovascular burden in chronic kidney disease...
CaReSyAn Workshop 2: Proteomics/peptidomics analyses: principles, methodologies & application in CKD
February 28, Vaals, The Netherlands CaReSyAn Workshop 2: Proteomics/peptidomics analyses: principles, methodologies & application in CKD...
INSERM presents CaReSyAn to the general public and students
INSERM represented CaReSyAn during: · the “Nuit européenne des chercheurs” (General public, September 2018,
Joint Summer School of the graduate schools SFB TRR219 IRTG & Marie-Curie ITN CaReSyAn and INTRICARE
Joint Summer School of the graduate schools SFB TRR219 IRTG & Marie-Curie ITN CaReSyAn and INTRICARE & EURLIPIDS August 23-25, 2018 Venue...
CaReSyAn 1st Regular meeting, Agenda, August 24, 2018, Frankfurt, Germany
Venue: Lufthansa Konferenzhotel in Seeheim ( Integrated within the “Joint Summer School of the...
Destination Labo, May 25, 2018, INSERM, Toulouse, France Again this year the RF-lab received high school students in their laboratory. The...
Girls’ Day supported by ITN CaReSyAn project, April 26, 2018, University Clinic AACHEN, Germany
On the 26th of April 2018, the Girls’ Day took place for the first time at the Institute for Molecular Cardiovascular Research (IMCAR),...
CaReSyAn Kick-off meeting Press Release
Kick-Off of the Marie Skłodowska Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) CaReSyAn: EU promotes junior researcher network to Cardiorenal...
CaReSyAn Kick-off meeting, Agenda, March 22, 2018, Montpellier, France
Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN CaReSyAn Kick-Off Meeting Venue: COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT MONPTELLIER, FRANCE 105 Place Georges Frêche (rue du...
Lab taster day: Molecular biological research in medicine, March 13,2018, University Clinic AACHEN
On the 13th of March 2018, a trial day for young students interested in doing research took once again place at the Institute for...
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