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Merry Christmas!
With these Christmas wishes, our CaReSyAn consortium comes to an end after a great and productive period of four years cooperation. We...
Joint research institute AMICARE promoted on the REA Linkedin Page
The European Research Executive Agency (REA) acknowledged the AMICARE research institute, coordinated by Aachen and Maastricht and...
Joint Winter School 2022
Winter School 2022 will take place on March 1st-3rd 2022 as a joint event of EUTox, ESAO, EU-ITN “Strategy-CKD” as well as the SFB/TRR219.
CaReSyAn in its final months: impressions of our ESR students
7.10.2021 It is hard to believe that it has already been three years since the start of this successful ITN project, CaReSyAn. Regardless...
Final CaReSyAn Meeting
4.10.2021 We had our CaReSyAn Final Meeting online on 30.09.2021 -1.10.2021. All the ESRs presented their work progress. The meeting was...
CaReSyAn ESR Ana Amaya Garrido successfully defends her doctoral thesis!
4.10.2021 Ana Amaya Garrido, CaReSyAn ESR in INSERM (Toulouse, France) successfully defended her doctoral thesis at 04.10.2021, with the...
“ESR Outreach Award” awarded to Rogier Veltrop
4.10.2021 Honorary “ESR Outreach Award” has been awarded during the final CaReSyAn meeting to our CaReSyAn ESR 11 Rogier Veltrop from...
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